Hip Hop Artist Of The Past Find Fans In Far Away Places…


Fesitvals and more festivals… Thats a good way for hip hop artist who are now considered by some as legends to make money in the game they still love… However to most hip hop followers in the States today… they have little idea how those artist in the Golden Era survive… Or if they are even involved in hip hop today… Well I’m here to tell you that the hip hop artist of yester-year are hitting up spots across the globe that the majority of current hip hop lovers will never see… For example this past week Hip Hop Kemp http://hiphopkemp.cz/  took place in the Czech Republic… Yes Prague… one of the dopest spots on the globe for film production too… Switzerland is also hosting a major festival… the Royal Arena https://www.royalarena.ch/webroot/source/index.php
and the list goes on and on… Long live hip hop and the legends of the game…


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